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December 31, 2008


Christine Knapp

I am always amazed at what I learn whan a I read a blog post @ herbis orbis! Your guest post at planetary herbs was no exception; a good train of thought for the new year!


Most excellent! I love how you tied the most simple and elegant of pleasures--the sharing of food--into the idea of community. So basic yet so often lost.
Happy new year to you. xo.


Damn. THANK you Stu and Chris!


It is the somewhat unfortunate truth that even some of the greatest and most fondly regarded writers and artists in history met with, shall we say, a bit of "resistance" in their own time. Also, there is the happy truth that not everyone reads a thing the same way, even the first time through. Many see the beauty, even at first glance, that a few do not.

Or, in other words -- Never fear, dear Pinky. Your community loves you. Your creativity is unquestionably intact. Your way with words? Beautiful.


"Fame is but a fruit tree, so very unsound.
It can never flourish
'til its stalk is in the ground."

--Nick Drake, who should know.

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